Well, that's quite contrary with me, actually. It's been years since the last time we had a dog (or two). Let's call it, unfriendly-neigborhood factor what was causing it. But now, we have one. Not some breed, just an ordinary "village" dog that most people ignore and can't admire
We gave him a name, well.. that's a start on getting involed with something, isn't it? We call him BlackOut, in dedication of our too-often power outage in this city. Funny for some, but a big challenge for others. I realized that. Just like the pre-mentioned situation. This dog, aslo act the same.
What matter for me is how we treat each other, well. Don't you feel so happy, whenever you reach home, there's always someone (in this case, something) waiting for you. He'll wag his tail over-and-again, to show how he missed me..
He won't even let me go, when I just have to leave the house. Aww..
I just remembered that this pet story related to this blog, too.